Releasing Oneself from Blame: Free Teaching and Meditation

Elizabeth Pyjov will be guiding a free 30-minute Practice and Teaching over Zoom so that you can release yourself from blame. All are welcome.

Register here and you'll get the link for 8:30 pm on January 24. Tune in live or through the recording.I want you to feel safe and protected within your own heart, and like all parts of you belong.

Why attend?

1) To feel good in your own mind and heart.

2) The scientific benefits of forgiveness are significant:

  • Greater life satisfaction

  • Less stress, less anxiety

  • Improved sleep

  • Healthier heart

  • Stronger immune system

3) What we focus on, expands. When you focus on what you or others did wrong, that expands and the situation repeats itself. When you release blame, let go and forgive, you become free of that pattern or cycle.


Time: 8:30 - 9:00 PM EST on Tuesday January 24th, 2023

Replay: Yes, available

Place: Zoom video

Registration: here