My Parents Meditation Program

We can't move forward to a happy, healthy, successful life until we have peace in our hearts about our parents. Most of the trouble we have in personal and romantic relationships is just unresolved scenarios regarding our parents.

❉ What do you do if your parents were amazing and you miss them?

❉ What do you do if your parents were mean and abusive?

❉ What do you do if they were distant?

❉ What do you do if they were somewhere in between?

❉ What do you do if you didn't know your parents?

There's a way to be psychologically well in all those situations, and you will learn and practice how!

“The ache for home lives in all of us. The safe place where we can go as we are and not be questioned.” — Maya Angelou

We will find that safe place in our hearts and in how we relate to our parents, no matter the story and no matter who they were.

Included are four live sessions (replays included), ancient energy practices, deep healing, connection with your parents and the ancestors that went before them, and special signature meditations.

This class will help you go right to the roots and create peace and joy in your own heart, so you can share that with the world.

As I expand my practice of working with you, I'm seeing the extent to which everything starts in childhood.

We relive the relationship with our parents through future romantic partnerships and even patterns at work.

It's also not helpful that the U.S. leads the world in judgment of parents. (In this, we are #1!). Any judgement drains energy in the same way.

So what is the attitude toward parents that leads to your happiness?

Watch this short video to find out:

If you find yourself people-pleasing,

If romantic relationships are tough,

If you don't want to repeat patterns of the past,

If you want to feel closer to others,

If you want a better relationship with your kids,

or if you have anything but warmth and gratitude in your heart when you think of your parents,

I hope you consider joining the My Parents meditation program.

: 8 - 9:30 pm EST on three Tuesdays, June 11 to June 25 and one Thursday — June 27
Replay: Yes, available
Place: Zoom video
Host: Happiness Sangha
Facilitator: Elizabeth Pyjov
Registration: here