Free New Year's Eve Meditation: Gratitude to 2023, Welcoming 2024

The magical part of life is that it continues and we can always begin again.

4TH ANNUAL: Honoring this year and welcoming the new year

You are invited to a special live meditation called "Gratitude to 2023, Setting Intentions for 2024."

We'll meditate for 20 minutes on December 31st at 2 pm EST.

Let our last meditation of the year be together! We'll tell 2023 "Thanks for Everything, I Have No Complaints Whatsoever"... and then we will let it go and go off into a bright future.

The event is free of charge. All you need to do is put your name in the link here to receive the access information upon registering.You can invite whoever you like to join. All are welcome.


Time: December 31 at 2 pm EST

Recordings: Yes, available

Place: Zoom video

Host: Happiness Sangha

Facilitator: Elizabeth Pyjov

Cost: Free

Registration: here