
Happiness Programs on Demand

All Classes Take Place Virtually, taught by Elizabeth Pyjov
Join from Anywhere in the World

My Parents

We move forward with a truly happy, healthy, successful life once we have peace in our hearts in regard to our parents. Most of the trouble we have in personal and romantic relationships are just unresolved scenarios with our mother and father. In this psychology, meditation, ancient contemplative practices program, we will resolve all of that!

Pre-recorded class

Releasing Expectations for Inner Freedom: Meditation Class

Releasing expectations is a burst of joyful, positive relief. Experience it for yourself in this pre-recorded 90-minute sessions. Lots of science and lots of meditation. The result is freedom, joy, and clarity.

Pre-recorded class

Resilience: 5 Week Program

I'm excited to invite you to a very special 5-week class. The program is on Resilience. We will build resilience with heart practices, science, ancient wisdom, meditation, and ideas from religions.

Pre-recorded class

Ancestors: The Root of All Things

I knew that working with ancestors was part of the spiritual path. It is there in the Christian teachings, in Jewish rituals, in Native American philosophy, in Taoist offerings, and in Buddhist practices.

Pre-recorded class

The Dharma of Poetry: How Poems Guide Us Toward Happiness

In Buddhism it was thought that a person can REACH ENLIGHTENMENT by reading poetry. We'll see what happens :)

Pre-recorded class

Seasonal Rituals

A specially designed, seasonal ritual for every event of the year. As the year ebbs and flows, we bring back ancient rituals.

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