
Happiness Programs on Demand

All Classes Take Place Virtually, taught by Elizabeth Pyjov
Join from Anywhere in the World

Freedom from the Inner Critic: 4-Part Happiness Program with Elizabeth Pyjov

Anyone who is anxious, stressed, or could use more self-compassion will love this class!

Pre-recorded class

Algorithm for a Loving Romantic Relationship: Practices for Happy & Healthy Love

This is a great class both for those not in relationships (who would like to find a loving relationship) and for those in relationships (who want to make their current relationships more loving).

Pre-recorded class

Beauty of Imperfection, Kindness to Imperfection

Why is imperfection such an important part of the spiritual path? In this pre-recorded lecture and meditation session we will talk about the concept of perfection and why being with imperfection is a central value in Buddhist philosophy.

Pre-recorded class

The Buddha's Path to Happiness

You'll be empowered to put the Buddha's path to happiness right into practice in this five-week program with philosophy, psychology, and amazing meditations.

Pre-recorded class

Building a Better Relationship with Your Mother, Compassion to Your Mother, Honoring Your Mother

A mother is the creator and first teacher of all living things. She is the first person who opens our hearts to us, even before we are born. In this pre-recorded class you’ll learn how to offer her compassion and acceptance in a way that will be healing for you.

Pre-recorded class

Seasonal Rituals

A specially designed, seasonal ritual for every event of the year. As the year ebbs and flows, we bring back ancient rituals.

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